Sutton Tiddler. At first sight you could be forgiven for thinking this little 3 ¼ miler would be easy. After all its flat, and any hills are at best minor.
Sutton Tiddler
Distance 3 1/4 miles…..Climb 84 meters… time 90 mins

This walk can be viewed at

Sutton Tiddler

Sutton Tiddler. At first sight you could be forgiven for thinking this little 3 ¼ miler would be easy. After all its flat, and any hills are at best minor. You would be very wrong. A good part of this walk is on either soft sand or wet compacted sand either way I am sure you know the effect of walking on such terrain from days at the beach. We came back from this one very tired indeed but feeling like we had done a worthwhile walk and we had seen some great chocolate box views in the bargain. In addition to deer and Buzzards there is the bonus of adders in the summer. In fact, one part of the walk is called snake path for that very reason.

Stand at the cross roads with the White Horse behind you look to your left and go up a short hill, towards the church. You will pass a telephone box on your right (point 1).

Carry on up the road for another 100 yards and turn right at the finger post. (point 1a)

This leads to a path just past a house called the nook. Go around the stile and follow the path to a gate. (point 2)

Go through the gate and then it’s a case of following the path as it meanders for the next ½ mile to a 3-finger post, take the left turn and go through the Kissing gate. (point 3)

Walk with the fence to your left and this will lead to a small footbridge followed by a kissing gate in (point 4)

 keep going straight on until you come to 3 kissing gates in short succession (point 5)

and then continue to follow the path to the road. (point 6)

and turn right. After about 100 yards turn right at (point 7).

Follow the track until you reach a 3-finger post and turn right (point 8)

This is called snake lane. Take it easy up here in the summer, there are snakes, but they will hear you long before you see them. They are unlikely to bother you even if you do come across them suddenly.  This is where the sand path begins and at this stage it is soft sand but later it will be a compacted surface. This has a very draining effect on the strength in your legs so take it steady, you will get tired.

At (point 9) there is a path to your right and if your feeling like a shorter route this is a good time to turn left to (point 11).

Otherwise carry on to (point 10)

and turn right and then on to (point 11).

From here it’s a case of follow the path as it leads without turning off at any point. There are shorter routes to be had via (point 12) a crossing path to (point 3) and again at (point 13) a kissing gate to (point 1) if you don’t choose either of these options carry until you meet the road at (point 14).

Then it’s a case of follow the road to the pub and a well-earned pint.

This walk is prepared in co-operation with

The White Horse Inn
The street, Sutton Nr Petworth
West Sussex
RH20 1PS
01798 869191