Distance = 4.17 miles Climb = 89 meters Time = 126 minutes
Profile of walk

This walk is a surprising and delightful walk. Effort wise its only the length that will really challenge you. The main this is what you will see on the way. There are frequent sightings of deer and buzzards seem to be on duty all the time. There are a lot of Hares in the area and of course there are the views.

Leave the tea rooms and make your way back to the road that you came in on. After a short walk down that road you will see a path alongside a fence with views to the right of Stansted House. (Point 1)    

Follow this path to the other end and at (Point 2) turn right

Walk with the forest to your left and after ¼ of a mile you will see a 3-finger post pointing to your left go in that direction. (Point 3)

Follow the path round with the trees to your right after about 2/3 of a mile you will meet a path from your right bear left here (Point 4)

Another ¼ of a mile and you will come to Broadread farm follow the path to your right and go around the farm. (Point 5)

Carry on as the path leads until you reach (Point 6). The path gets gradually rougher as you reach this point

The [path to (Point 7) is quite undulating underfoot but a stride or to you adjust to it. Walk with the forest to your left.

From (Point 7) back to the pavilion the roads are good. As you walk to (Point 8) and later back to (Point 3) there are very good open views of the fields and many a good sighting of the local wildlife can be had.

From (Point 3) it’s a case of re-tracing your footsteps back to the pavilion and a well earned cup of tea (go on, spoil yourself, add a cake to that, nobody’s looking)

This walk is prepared in co-operation with the

The Pavilion Tearoom
Stansted Nr Rowlands Castle Hants
02392 413432