West Marden to Idsworth Church

Stats       Distance = 4.98 miles     

Meters Climbed  = 194    Time  = 140 minutes

West Marden to Idsworth Church. Start at West Marden Farm go up the hill, to West Marden Hall to a finger post turn right here and carry on up the hill. Stick to the path as it meanders through several small turns all the way up the hill passing the back of Marden Hall on your right..At the top of the hill there is a three finger post this is (Point 2)

Point 2 Turn right at this finger post and walk to another 3 way finger post about fifty yards along the path go straight on at this finger post. On reaching another 3 way finger post turn left and follow the main path to (point 3) despite being on the top of the hill, this path could be quite muddy but it’s still passable with care.

Point 3 Turn left at this point and walk down the hill until you reach a fork in the path take the left fork. when you reach the finger post turn right and immediately left at the end of the barbed wire fence. The path is not all that discernable here especially after a fresh fall of leaves in the autumn however, the rule of thumb is, go diagonally down hill till you reach a small flight of wooden stairs and go down those stairs. At the bottom turn left and walk for about twenty yards until you see a finger post on the left and a yellow post on the right, turn right here this will lead you down another slightly longer flight of stairs to a kissing gate again walk straight through a second kissing gate and on to a stile at the bottom of the hill this is (point 5)

Point 5 Turn left at this point and keep the hedge to your left whilst walking along the edge of a field keep following this path over a stile an on a bout ½ a mile until you reach a kissing gate. Before you go through the gate turn right and up a short hill leading to a further kissing gate where you turn left into St. Hubert’s church at Idsworth. This is a very unique church because it sits isolated in the middle of a field with no houses nearby. Having gone to the Church return to point 6 again and this time go through the gate and turn left. Follow the path to a stile and climb over carry on up the hill to a kissing gate and turn right. Carry on up the hill and through the forest that eventually leads to a stile and a field. Climb the stile and walk diagonally over the fields to a further stile at point 7

Point 7 turn left at this point and walk towards the farm go through the farmyard following the yellow markers. Be sure to turn left in the farmyard don’t follow a path that leads you straight on consult the map and this will be more clear. As you leave the farmyard you will enter a path with hedges either side. Keep going straight on this path ignoring the path that turns left half way along. You will come to an open stretch of field leading to a forest. The path is a little unclear at this point. Pass the bush that the path leads to with the bush to your right. After a few yards the path again becomes clear and there is a yellow marker leading the way through the forest. This is Markwells wood. From here it’s a case of keeping straight and ignoring any path that joins or crosses the path that you are on. As you leave the forest there is a dog leg straight on stretch that will lead to an open field with a hedge to your left. This will take you to Horsley farm. At the other end of the field you can discern the way path by walking through two posts that are either side of the path. Again, keep walking straight ignoring any paths that meet or cross the way you are going. After passing the farm you will reach a farm lane turn right here and follow that path until you reach a finger post on your left (Point 2 again) leading you down hill past the back of West Marden Hall and on to the road. At the road turn left and back to the starting point.

West Marden Farm
West Marden
West Sussex
United Kingdom
PO18 9EN

Telephone 02392 631761

St Hubert’s church In Winter