Up Marden, Fernbeds, Telegraph Hill Circle

This is a walk of glorious views across the downs. There is also a great deal of wildlife to be seen. Recently there has been a climb in the number of Red Kites to be seen. The fields of Fernbeds and Telegraph hill are great haunts of Hares. There is a splendid view over to Up Park which is a National Trust house well worth a visit. Strangely enough its more famous for having had a devastating fire than any other reason. There is also a very remote House on top of Telegraph hill but this is not open to the public. Even the start and finish are worth lingering over. I may be a little biased here but St Michaels Up Marden is the finest church in the world. The barn near the farm track was recently restored by the Weald and Downland museum.. In the field behind the church is home to a very ancient Well. It’s surrounded by a protective hut now but it is still visible through the gate.
Starting at Up Marden Church Walk down the farm track and down the hill for about 50 yards, Turn right and go through the field and up the hill via the path.
At the top is a gate go through that gate and over the hill to the bottom where you will come to a gate go through that gate on to the made up road and turn left.
After about twenty yards you will see a stile on your left , go over that stile and walk straight up the field keeping the hedge to your right.
Eventually you will meet a 4 finger post. Don’t leave the path you were on. Keep following the path with the hedge to your left.
Continue all the way through this field right up to the finger post at the end. You won’t even see the path you are to join until you reach the finger post.
The path you want more or less doubles back on the direction that you have just walked. Stay on this path not the one to your left. You will come to a sign saying Compton pointing to the right. Take that path and continue all the way down until you meet a made up road.
Go straight across that road and up the hill. Keep following the farm track up past a remote house on your left and over the hill. You will come to a farm track to your left turn down this track and on to the bottom of the hill.
The track then becomes a path going up towards Up Marden and back to the starting point.

This walk is sponsored by

Orchard Barn Up Marden

PO18 9JR