2 of the 3 Churches walk

I have walked this particular walk for over 50 years and it still enthralls me. On the day that we did this survey the weather was perfect and the Autumn colours were perfect. Now I am in danger of wittering on when really the only way to experience this walk is to get your boots on and walk. You will not regret it. it is FABULOUS.

Drive from the Hare and Hounds in the opposite direction to the church and after 1 mile you will come to a left turn with a car park on your right ignore this and continue on this road for another 100 yards to a rough area on your right ( opposite Wildham Barn) park here.

Opposite where you park you will see a finger post pointing towards the barn walk up that lane. Take a little time to look over the field to your right. In the Spring and the Autumn in particular it is very colourful.

At Point 2 which is a yellow post bear right and go up the hill, past Point 3 which is a 2 finger post, carry straight on up the hill. Ignore the path approaching from the right which is Point 4 and continue up the hill.

As you reach Point 5 you will see a track from your left ignore this and again carry straight on. In fact that is the case right up to point 9 just carry straight on.

Point 6 is one of those places were it all seems to happen. I have been at this point and seen 15 specimens of butterfly without even moving my feet. I’ve seen deer so close that I can count the spots on their backs. On one occasion I saw a hare at this point and they are very seldom seen to be actually in the forest. It really is a very unique spot.

Now for a cup of tea. At Point 7 there are a whole set of random logs scattered around and this is an ideal place for a tea break. If you have time look down the row of Beech trees to the right. Its like a whole row of Cathedral arches rising to the sky.

Back to the walk and back to going straight on. Pass point 8 which is a 3 finger post with a track approaching from the left but just keep going straight on, but be aware at this point because there are usually a lot of muddy puddles here.

There could never be a more obvious turning point than Point 9 which is a 3 finger post. Turn right here and go through the field towards the copse at the other end. Usually the path is quite distinct but after it has been ploughed it may be not so clear.

There is always an element of intrigue as you enter the forest at Point 10. Will I, won’t I see a deer? can I suggest you creep very carefully through this opening because the local deer often gather in these woods. On one occasion I counted 50 deer at this point.

By the time you reach Point 11, which is a yellow post you can breath again and carry straight on up the lane between fences either side of the path.

Life gets a little complicated at Point 12. Firstly there is a gate at which you turn left on the road and then keep an eye out for a gap in the hedge on you left, (it is narrow and difficult to see). go through this gap and on to the structure that you see in the middle of the field. This used to be the village well, and yes, it does still have fresh water.This is part of Point 13

Now for the real treat. UP MARDEN CHURCH which is also point 13 on our route. This is the finest church in the world and it came to a hairs breadth of being pulled down. The first time I saw this church the roof was raining tiles, the bells had to be stored outside because they were too heavy for the belfry. I have a picture somewhere of its being used to shelter goats. Now it is just plain and simple and beautiful, and I defy you to pass it by.

Back to the route. Leave the church and go on to the track. there is a barn worth looking at on your left and it has recently been restored to its former glory as a cart barn. You, however, turn right and work your way to the road at Point 14.

Follow this road to Point 15. this is where the road turns to your left with a finger post leading to a path going into the forest. Take extreme care whilst walking this path. It is very steep, narrow and in places it is smooth chalk covered by leaves especially at Point 16 which is a yellow post where you turn left and go down an even steeper section.

Now you are at the edge of a large field with trees to your right Carry Straight on and up a short bank. This is Point 17, turn right and after a few yards turn left and follow the edge of this field to Point 18 which is a stile. Climb this stile. From here work your way diagonally to your left across the field.

There is a very naughty stile at Point 19 it is difficult to cross and quite high up so be wary. Turn right here and go down the hill. At the bottom there are two real delights. First there is the village well and again yes it is still capable of being used. Then there is St Peters Church which is usually very well decorated at Easter time and very colourful.

When you leave the church turn left and walk a few yards around the bend until you meet a narrow road on the right, Point 20, turn right up this road and walk along it to a farm track then turn left. This is where a little bit of observation is needed. The finger post for the next path Point 21. This is now a two-finger post giving the impression that there is no right turn through the farm yard, there is a path. (if you inspect the post you will see that the third finger has dropped out and not been replaced)

You will come to a kissing gate go through this gate and on down the field. Keep walking because you won’t see the stile on your right until the last minute. This is Point 22. Cross this stile and turn left to another kissing gate. Go through the kissing gate and continue down the hill. At the bottom of the hill Point 23, there is a field with a path going diagonally across it. Go on that path it will lead you to a gap in the hedge which isn’t entirely clear until your actually on it. Squeeze through this gap and up to the road. Point 24

You are now on what has become a slightly busy road. follow this road to Point 25, at which point you could enter the forest and immediately turn right to a small path that follows the edge of the road. this will take you back to your car.

I hope you’ve really enjoyed this walk. There is an added bonus to be had here. you could return to the pub and have a swift pint. Go on you’ve earned it.

Stoughton, Nr Chichester, West Sussex PO18 9JQ
Tel: 02392 631433
Email: info@hareandhoundspub.co.uk

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This walk can be viewed on You Tube at httphttps://youtu.be/u-9paPMGmoU